3 Steps to Preventing the Recurrence of Blackheads

You may have already heard the phrase: “The best cure is prevention.” This is especially true when it comes to the treatment of blackheads and in fact the majority of blackheads sufferers will experience repeated outbreaks following successful treatment as they have never paid attention to how to prevent the recurrence of this unsightly and upsetting skin condition. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and whenever you develop a skin disorder, such as eczema, psoriasis or blackheads, it is a clear sign that something is out of balance. In order to help your skin function correctly and look great as well as to re-establish your body’s normal and healthy equilibrium, in this article we will look at 3 reliable ways to prevent the re development of blackheads on your skin.

Never Underestimate the Importance of Diet!

Since the development of blackheads is due to the body’s excessive androgen production, you need to make an effort to eat well. Many people believe that the development of blackheads has nothing to do with diet, but it couldn’t be more untrue. If you don’t provide the right nutrients to your skin, you simply cannot expect it to look great. If your diet is deficient, your body’s hormone production turns upside down, which will sooner or later manifest in the development of several hormonally induced conditions, such as acne blackheads.

healthy diet

Fresh vegetables and home prepared foods are important to ensure your skin gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy

When it comes to dieting for acne, the most important steps would be simple, but important and sadly, these steps are often disregarded. You need to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, especially the ones, which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc and omega 3 essential fatty acids as these 4 are the most important nutrients promoting skin health. Try to eat homemade foods whenever possible and please avoid take away foods or readymade meals. If it is not always possible, consider taking a good nutritional supplement. It is also important that you limit your alcohol consumption and please hydrate your body adequately by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Tighten Your Skin Pores with Natural Masks

People suffering from blackheads tend to have larger skin pores. In order to tighten up your pores it is recommended to use skin care products or home remedies, which will reduce pore size. Using whisked egg whites once a week as a face mask will give you dramatic results. Alternatively you can use mashed papaya which will tone your pores as well as it will provide important nutrients for your skin.

Another excellent natural pore tightening method is the use of aloe vera and hemp seed oil face mask. You can prepare it by adding 3 to 4 drops of organic hemp seed oil to 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply it to the blackheads prone areas and leave it for at least 10 minutes on your skin.

Ole Henriksen Firm Action Pore Refining Mask-1.7 oz

An effective over the counter product, pictured is Ole Henriksen Firm Action Pore Refining Mask

Reduce Your Skin’s Sebum Production

While people suffering from whiteheads tend to have dry skin, if you are prone to developing blackheads, your skin is likely to be more on the oily side. Therefore you need to naturally reduce your skin’s excessive sebum production and this can be done easily by the regular use of jojoba oil, which can be added to your daily moisturizer or can be used on its own sparingly just before bedtime.


Dandelion roots are one ingredient of herbal infusions

Essential oils that are known to reduce the skin’s oiliness include cedar wood, yarrow, chamomile or marigold. A couple of drops of these essential oils can be added to your facial masks, facial wash or to your toner.

Consuming certain natural ingredients either as herbal infusions or in supplement forms is known to be effective in regularizing the body’s hormone levels, which is also an important part of reducing your skin’s hormone production. These herbs include chamomile flowers, dandelion roots, ginger roots, turmeric roots and milk thistle seeds.

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